Friday, February 12, 2010

Textile Chemicals

During the process of manufacturing, textile has to go through a long process of chemical and non chemical treatments. The Textile finishing procedure includes preparation and pretreatment, dyeing, printing and refinement of fabrics. Certain Textile Chemical Products are highly specialized chemicals such as biocides, flame retardants, water repellents and warp sizes. Others are relatively simple chemicals or mixtures such as emulsified oils and greases, starch, sulfonated oils, waxes and some surfactants. Over sixty distinct textile chemical product classes are used in yarn formation, fabric pretreatment and finishing, textile laminating and coating, and other miscellaneous applications.
Desizing. During weaving, specially for the fabrics made from cotton or blends, the warp threads are coated with an adhesive substance known as 'size'. This is done to prevent the threads from breaking during weaving. Starch and its derivatives are the most common sizing agents. After weaving, the 'size' is removed again in order to prepare the fabric for dyeing and finishing. This is called Desizing. It is done by treating the fabric with chemicals such as acids, alkali or oxidising agents.

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