Sunday, August 1, 2010

History of anesthesia

History of anesthesia
Methods for lessening the sensation of pain during surgery date back to ancient times. Read more: Anesthesia - body, used, chemical, methods, gas, cells, effects, cause, change, History of anesthesia, Emergence of anesthesiology, Types of anesthesia
Emergence of anesthesiology
Anesthesiology was slow to develop as a medical specialty. By the end of the nineteenth century, ether—which was considered safer than chloroform—was administered by persons with little medical experience. Nurses were eventually assigned to this task, becoming the first anesthetists at the turn of the century.Read more:
Types of anesthesia
Modern anesthesia uses both chemical agents and nondrug methods as preparation for medical procedures. Chemical agents are drugs that can be administered by mouth, by injection into muscle or under the skin with a needle, intravenously (by needle into a vein), or with a gas mask for inhalationRead more:

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